Education & Expertise

  • MSc. International Business Management, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria
  • BSc. Finance, Universiteti Teknologjik ‘Ismail Qemal Vlora’

Gradiola Kapaj

Gradiola is a light/medium-skinned woman with green eyes and long, wavy blonde hair. She is wearing glasses and a white top with a black bow. She is pictured smiling against a grey-blue background.

As one of our Client Services Managers, Gradiola drives the execution of our consulting projects, ensuring that we tailor our approach to meet our clients’ unique needs and circumstances, maximizing our value and impact.

An integral part of our consulting team, Gradiola brings a deep understanding of working across cultures to her work with global clients. Her client experience includes the energy, non-profit, manufacturing and technology sectors.

Gradiola has considerable experience working across cultures, languages, time zones and borders to deliver major projects. She has worked with the Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research (SIETAR) in Europe and the International Institute of Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM).

She has experience designing and facilitating education and learning programs for multicultural and multinational audiences.

Gradiola has a Masters in International Business Management from Carinthia University, Austria. Her intercultural perspective and insights are enriched by living and working in Austria, Italy, France, and Albania. In addition to Albanian as her mother tongue and English, she speaks Italian, French, Spanish and German. She teaches Intercultural Management and Diversity and Inclusion at the University of FH Wien der WKO in Vienna, Austria.

I love that our work makes a real, tangible impact on people’s lives across the globe. It’s incredibly rewarding to witness the positive changes and increased diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organizations we partner with. Our efforts are truly making a difference and fostering a more inclusive world.

Let’s get to work

Live webinar -- August 7 at 11:30 AM CST
Journey to Bottomline Impact: Chart the Course