Education & Expertise

  • B.A., Art History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • M.A., Arts Administration, New York University

Mary Hunter

Mary is a light-skinned woman with long dark brown hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a black blouse. She is pictured smiling against a blue-grey background.

Mary brings more than 20 years of experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods to the Assessment and Analytics team at The Kaleidoscope Group.

Mary started her career at a global market research company specializing in the US multicultural consumer market, as she is bilingual in Spanish and has expertise in Latin American cultures. Over time she expanded into broader domestic and global projects. Her love for research grew with every project, which included a broad range of quantitative and qualitative methods and tools.

Mary joined The Kaleidoscope Group in 2016, where she launched and led our dedicated DEI assessments and analytics work, applying her research and cross-cultural skills to collaborate with Industrial/Organizational psychologists and DEI practitioners on developing tools such as DEI measurement frameworks and establishing inclusive survey and focus groups practices. She helps lead clients through DEI assessments, applying many of these practices and solutions to help them make data-driven decisions about DEI at their organizations.

Mary has written papers, articles and posts on topics related to DEI analytics and inclusive research practices. She has also spoken about DEI analytics and US multicultural research at client and industry events, on panels, and on podcasts.

Mary earned a Master of Arts in arts administration from New York University and a Bachelor of Arts in art history from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Mary loves travel, has visited over 30 countries and loves her recent move back to her native Nebraska, USA.

I love using data, that goes way beyond representation, to drive actions that will help organizations thrive. And I love seeing how organizations meet business goals when they focus on equitable practices and employee needs. It is a win win for everyone when you approach DEI strategically.

Let’s get to work

Live webinar -- August 7 at 11:30 AM CST
Journey to Bottomline Impact: Chart the Course